Zarzuela collection

The Zarzuela collection contains the libretti of Spanish and Hispanic American musicals and musical comedies, totaling over 1,600 titles which date back to the 19th and 20th centuries. The core of the collection comprises works which were printed in Spain between 1800 and 1930. The generic term "zarzuela" also encompasses genres such as entremeses and sainetes. In addition, the collection contains vocal and piano sheet music from the zarzuelas. Further information...
Results: 19
Creator: Olona, FedericoNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 1886
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 03 / 14
Creator: Perrín y Vico, GuillermoPalacios, Miguel deFernández de la Puente, Manuel
Year of publication: 1901
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 02 / 6058
Creator: Jackson Veyán, JoséNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 1888
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 02 / 6150
Creator: Pina Domínguez, MarianoNieto, ManuelBrull Ayerra, Apolinar
Year of publication: 1894
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 08 / 3067
Creator: San Martín, Antonio deGuerra Arderius, AlfredoNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 1872
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 02 / 5990
Creator: Arniches y Barrera, CarlosLucio y López, CelsoNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 1896
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 02 / 6053
Creator: Perrín y Vico, GuillermoPalacios, Miguel deNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 1895
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 08 / 2537
Creator: Pina Domínguez, MarianoNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 2017
Place of publication: Berlin
Signature: A 17 / 10491
Creator: Pina Domínguez, MarianoOffenbach, JacquesNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 2017
Place of publication: Berlin
Signature: A 17 / 10492
Creator: Jackson Veyán, JoséNieto, ManuelRubio, Ángel Laínez
Year of publication: 1888
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 02 / 5867
Creator: Pina Domínguez, MarianoNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 2017
Place of publication: Berlin
Signature: A 17 / 10482
Creator: Perrín y Vico, GuillermoPalacios, Miguel deNieto, Manuel
Year of publication: 1897
Place of publication: Madrid
Signature: A 02 / 11112
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