Glass Plates

The Ibero-American Institute's glass plate collection contains photographic documents of different types and origins from the period between around 1870 and 1940, including rare and largely unpublished documentary images that span the fields of archaeology, ethnography, history and regional geography. Further Information...
Results: 5
Creator: Lehmann, WalterKnoche, Walter
Year of publication: 19XX
Place of publication: Chimbote
Signature: N-0043 s 15NA N-0043 s
Creator: Lehmann, WalterBaessler, Arthur
Year of publication: 19XX
Place of publication: Chimbote
Signature: N-0043 s 33NA N-0043 s
Creator: Lehmann, WalterUhle, Max
Year of publication: 19XX
Place of publication: Chimbote
Signature: N-0043 s 14NA N-0043 s
Creator: Uhle, Max
Year of publication: 1900
Place of publication: Chimbote
Signature: N-0035 s 127
Creator: Lehmann, WalterSteinen, Wilhelm von den
Year of publication: 19XX
Place of publication: Chimbote
Signature: N-0043 s 28NA N-0043 s
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